"Help us, Lord, to base Your House for Your glory and for the salvation of us and our descendants!"
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The first sign of our membership is participation in the Holy Mass and the Body and Blood of Christ.
From the beginning of Christianity, members of the Body of Christ gathered every Sunday to participate in the Holy Mass.
Every church built is a holy place, "a gate of heaven" (Acts 28:17) and a House of the Lord, which although made of material sacrifices, is primarily a work of faith. We want to do such a work of faith, with God's help, here in New Jersey, as our Romanian Orthodox brothers managed to achieve in many communities in North America.
The place of man's encounter with God and the space of communion between people, each Orthodox church shares the grace of the sacrifice of the Savior on the Cross of Christ the Savior and reminds us of the sacrifice of all those who, living by faith, contributed to its construction. Thus, a church is built especially through the love and toil of the faithful, whose names will remain forever linked to that holy place.
May God receive the sacrifice of those who wish to become founders of the "Spring of Healing" Church in New Jersey, dedicated to the Mother of God!
People who want to make donations to support their monthly activities can do so by checking with the word "donation".
Checks are written on the name:
The Life-Giving Fountain Romanian Orthodox Church, with the mention "donation" and are sent by mail to:
132 Califon Rd, Long Valley, NJ 07853